Thursday, 20 June 2013


Too much to look forward to! 
Also, my dad is doing well.

Sunday, 2 June 2013


1. It's Sunday and I have post work week sadness
2. When it hailed today in Cape Town I jumped out of my bed squeeling with excitement and ran to try catch it in a bucket. I'm obviously still 5. 
3. I'm cooking dinner tonight for my housemates + amy + amy's new lover + monique
4. I'm going to make this: chicken in cashew nut sauce from my favourite Indian cookbook
5. My dad is going in for heart surgery on Tuesday so I'm taking the day off
6. My mom is going a bit dilly because she is stressing about it (understandably)
7. Michael is so blerry diligent and for the first time I am feeling sidelined, luckily his holidays start on Tuesday
8. MS Paint 1997 has a much better colour choice, but none of the cool brush options available in the current version. My parents are old school like that and have a windows XP operating system but choose to use the 1997 interface instead so that they didn't have to get used to anything new. 
9. I need to go grocery shopping now.