Thursday, 27 August 2015


He's probably a little crazy, but not too crazy, just crazy enough. His hair is nuts though and it's blowing in the wind (as always). It's one of those moments, where he's thinking about something but also nothing at all. "hmmmmf", he says out loud.

Thursday, 13 August 2015


When you blog there is this weird tension between what you say and what you don't say. Successful bloggers probably tell "all", exposing their inner secrets, daily thoughts and just about anything else that'll generate an intrigued set of followers. If you want to know anything about me, though, my words aren't going to explain much. My scribbles probably won't help much either, but to me they say the world. Each post, each doodle, each drawing reminds me of a specific moment, feeling, emotion. I suppose I use my blog as a backup of memories and I like that.

p.s. I went to Zurich in June/July. I felt free, maybe too free at times, giving away my heart and spirit. Working was incredible. The most incredible team of people.