Wednesday, 29 May 2013


This is page 1 of my postable portfolio.

Postable is always a great word to know.
So is lollapalooza. It means: an extraordinary or
unusual thing, person, or event; an exceptional
example or instance. 



I'm getting all this admin work from my boss who is getting it from this indecisive client. I've been investigating basin mixers and kitchen sinks today. I'm glad I don't have the same job as all the sales reps I've contacted... or do I?!

Thursday, 23 May 2013

cote d'ivoire

This is a goodie. You've got to see it big, so click on it to enlarge. 

Friday, 17 May 2013

Wednesday, 15 May 2013


I'm not sure how I feel about this one. It could look cool PAINTED! My goal is to paint 5 large 'paints' this year then sell them to fund my travel plans. I've never painted before (didn't take art at school, decided on design instead) but my friend, Caelyn, who is an artist (see her beautiful work here: penniless mermaid) has been teaching me all I need to know (while watching Game of Thrones). Thank you, Caels. 


I'm working in Kalk Bay this week. It is a treat!
Oh, and I've painted (on canvas with acrylic and oils) my first paint! I gave it to Michael as his birthday present, lucky boy. Its about 80% complete. I will upload photos once I feel proud enough to expose it. 

Friday, 10 May 2013




Background and suns. Friday today! Looking forward to the weekend. I had cake at the office just now which always makes my day that much better. Food is the way to my heart; pastries, tarts, chocolate fondant, salmon, ravioli, artichokes, heaven. 

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Friday, 3 May 2013


Firstly, 'favourite' is spelt with a 'u' in South Africa / UK. Just in case you thought I was a dum twit repetitively spelling it wrong. I may be a dum twit but I can spell. 

This is a list of my favourite paints so far, partly because of what they look like and partly because of the related memory: (from newest to oldest)

1. hand-pattern
2. sex-on-sandwich
3. delicious
4. jamie-harry-emily
5. first
6. simons-birthday
7. wisdom-balls
8. peep
9. sea-point-roads
10. im-still-girl-ive-always-been
11. mix
12. sleep
13. freak out and punch my teeth out
14. acid eyes
15. think
16. charles and bob vs jeremy and joe
17. OH
18. pink koki


Another post from long ago, left as a draft and then forgotten. 


This week has been alright. It was all made OK by the fantastic public holiday on Wednesday. I love South Africa for all its public holidays. I FINALLY finished my uncle's model and got paid for it which went straight into the 'travel fund'.

I usually make a whole bunch of versions of my paints and then choose my favourite to post. This time, however, I couldn't choose. I liked them all equally. I drew this pattern by hand yesterday while talking to B. This has made me decide that it is for B and for B's past birthday which was funfun at Bombay Bicycle. I organised a surprise birthday present for her. I love giving surprises but am not a big fan of receiving them. [friends take note]. 

Eh. I'm still at the office and the heavens have just decided to POUR down with rain. 2 minutes ago there was no rain at all. I suppose I need a 'cleansing' to end this week.