Tuesday, 30 July 2013


Research was successful. Two disorders discovered. Firstly, the rushing thoughts (as explained below - typing the previous post was a particularly strange sensation) is a dissociative disorder. Something about flushing out unwanted thoughts and repressing bad memories but then your brain chooses to take over and make you deal with whatever you need to deal with. Obviously those repressed memories of mine are long gone from my good ol' brain because I'm not feeling like I need to resolve much. Anyways, the other "disorder" I have is ALICE IN WONDERLAND SYNDROME. That may be the coolest sounding name for a disorder I've ever come across. It's when you have mild hallucinations (cool) and a warped sense of the size of your body, i.e. "abnormal amounts of electrical activity causing abnormal blood flow in the parts of the brain that process visual perception and texture". I either feel huge or tiny. Usually about once a month when I'm falling asleep.

These seem to be appropriately related to my [mostly] introverted personality which I spent 2 hours researching yesterday. I'll tell you about that another day, though. I find all this brain stuff very interesting. But this is: the best personality test if you're keen to find out what INTPSXYZ you are. 

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