Thursday, 16 October 2014


Sometimes I listen to certain songs, at certain points in my life, over and over again. There have been a few that I can relate to specific periods from the past. Currently I am listening to Little Dragon's 'After the Rain'. Each time I pick up my iPod I'll choose to re-listen to this song instead of finding something new. I don't often do that. If anything, I usually play my iPod on shuffle or randomly pick an artist I haven't listened to in a while / haven't ever listened to (my music predominantly comes from Simon and Yannick). But certain songs just get me. And this one has. It's great to listen to while you're driving, in headphones. And every time I listen to it, I think that 'after the rain' (after this last stretch of my honours degree) things will be great. 

Other songs I've done this to include:

Agnes Obel - On Powdered Ground (last 2 weeks of 3rd year, architecture)

Faithless - Woozy (matric final exams)

Portishead - The Rip (after coming back from South America)

And these songs weren't necessarily my favourite tracks but for some or other reason they just got me.

Also, for comic relief, these were the first ever CDs I owned:
1. Nothing Hill soundtrack
2. Red Hot Chili Peppers - By The Way
3. Coyote Ugly soundtrack
4. Bon Jovi - It's My Life (single)

(what were yours?)


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