Thursday, 14 January 2016


2016 marks the beginning of Scribbled Egg's 6th year. 6 years ago I started this blog as a let-go from the stress of archi school and yet I'm still here confused about the love-hate relationship I have with the profession. 

It's been a stressed out January. Big life decisions have been made and I find myself fluctuating between feeling excited for change but equally nervous about stepping into an unknown. I'm veering away from expectations with high hopes of finding a career path in something other than architecture=buildings. I often think of how I could have stayed studying at UCT this year; Pats and I could have stuck it out together. And then I could stick being Michael's non-long-distance 'normal' girlfriend, waiting to adventure in Europe together rather than running away for my independent desires. But my independent pangs are a thing of me and if I trust my gut, I know I must go and I'm excited for it. 

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